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Report Overview

Summary of Alignment & Usability: Imagine Learning Illustrative Mathematics IM 9-12 Math | Math

Product Notes

As of November 2021, LearnZillion was rebranded as Imagine Learning. The substance of EdReports’ reviews of products formerly published under the LearnZillion name remain unchanged.

LearnZillion Illustrative Mathematics High School Traditional, McGraw-Hill Illustrative Mathematics High School AGA, and Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics High School Traditional draw upon the same mathematics content and therefore the scores and evidence for Gateways 1 and 2 are the same in all three programs, albeit with differences in navigation. There are differences in usability as LearnZillion Illustrative Mathematics High School Traditional, McGraw-Hill Illustrative Mathematics High School AGA, and Kendall Hunt's Illustrative High School Traditional do not have the same delivery platforms for the instructional materials.


Math High School

The instructional materials reviewed for LearnZillion Illustrative Mathematics Traditional series meet expectations for alignment to the CCSSM for high school, Gateways 1 and 2. In Gateway 1, the instructional materials meet the expectations for focus and coherence by being coherent and consistent with "the high school standards that specify the mathematics which all students should study in order to be college and career ready" (p. 57 of CCSSM). In Gateway 2, the instructional materials meet the expectations for rigor and balance by reflecting the balances in the Standards and helping students meet the Standards' rigorous expectations, and the materials meet the expectations for mathematical practice content connections by meaningfully connecting the Standards for Mathematical Content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

Usability (Gateway 3)
Meets Expectations