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Report Overview
Summary of Alignment & Usability: Impact Science: Integrated Middle School Program for CA NGSS | Science
Science 6-8
The instructional materials reviewed for Impact Science Grades 6-8 do not meet expectations for Alignment to NGSS, Gateways 1 and 2. Gateway 1: Designed for NGSS; Criterion 1: Three-Dimensional Learning does not meet expectations. The materials include some three-dimensional learning opportunities but are inconsistent across grades, with nearly all sequences in Grade 7 including at least one three-dimensional learning opportunity and less than half in Grade 8. The materials provide consistent opportunities for student sensemaking with the SEPs and DCIs but infrequent opportunities for three-dimensional sensemaking, given the dearth of opportunities for sensemaking with the CCCs. Learning objectives are present and consistently three-dimensional at the lesson and unit level; however, the formative and summative assessments do not consistently measure the three dimensions for their respective objectives. Criterion 2: Phenomena and Problems Drive Learning does not meet expectations. There are infrequent opportunities for students to explain phenomena and solve problems. Rather, student learning is frequently guided by a scientific concept, question, investigation, or project. Of the phenomena present, they connect to DCIs in most instances. Of the problems present, they do not connect to DCIs. Only about half of the included phenomena and problems are presented as directly as possible. Further, the materials provide few instances where phenomena or problems drive learning and use of the three dimensions within and across lessons, missing the opportunity to consistently engage students in explaining phenomena or solving problems through the use and development of each of the three dimensions.